The best for B-Securité and Basic-Fit
The new high-tech control room went live with Seconts. B-Securité has taken a big step forward in making unmanned secure 24/7 sports facilities possible.
Seconts offers the optimal solution for every control room to ensure an easy start. Proven to be safe and scalable thanks to its modular design.
Seconts is a safe and reliable choice. The software has been a reliable base, trusted by many companies for many years. Innovative and future-oriented.
During an introductory meeting, we will demonstrate how the software works. Our specialists would like to hear any questions you might have and will always provide honest and sustainable advice.
Because we aim for customer and user satisfaction, we want to know which needs and requirements are unique: for the business model, specific situations and ambitions.
Based on the specifications you will receive a competitive offer. A phased implementation can be part of the plan and the approach.
Who, what, where and how? Careful preparation ensures support during implementation. Allowing all parties involved to know where they stand and what is expected of them.
Quality and reliability are above all else. This means that we test extensively and will only go live if it works and everyone feels comfortable doing so.
Questions? That’s what we’re here for: call or email us. We ensure that everyone can do their job properly through training, product information and release notes.
Seconts is part of ASB Security and specialises in managing and controlling software for control rooms. With a complete range of flexibly deployable products and services. This provides users with an end-to-end solution that optimally suits their specific situation.
Seconts’ solutions meet the highest security requirements for European Alarm Receiving Centres (NEN-50518).
The new high-tech control room went live with Seconts. B-Securité has taken a big step forward in making unmanned secure 24/7 sports facilities possible.
The ACN control room has more than 30 employees work with Seconts. Manager Jasper Brinkman tells about his experiences.